Sunday, 14 May 2017

Men and women have a lot of difficulty trying to relate to one another. Everyone's familiar with the Mars/Venus idea and it's the absolute truth. Women think with their hearts and men think with their heads. That is the simple planetary explanation and part of the of the human condition. It's not an engineering mistake. We're built that way so men and women can come together and weave magic between heart and mind, and in that way, grow together.
The problem is that guys have been off track for a long time and been abusing their biceps for thousands of years. Instead of using their physical strength to protect women and nurture their feelings they've done the exact opposite. They've used it to dominate women and oppress their feelings. This idea comes up a lot in my book because it bugs me and something has to change. I don't want to spill the beans but (obviously I'm going to) a big part of the problem is that men are sooks. We seem to have something I would call the "sulk gene"
When a man is challenged by a woman's feelings one of his first go-to responses is the silent treatment. Almost every woman (and any man with the courage to admit it) knows this is true. We love to sulk and we do it because we know we don't have the answer to what a woman needs when she starts expressing her feelings. We don't know how to respond so we grind her down with silence until she "wakes up to herself" and puts her feelings aside. Feelings are fundamentally a foreign language to men and we don't know how to speak it, but if we can start to learn how, we can help women to grow their feelings by supporting them.
Women simply need the space and support to explore, learn, and grow their feelings. When a man supports a woman in the right way he can watch, learn, and grow with her. This does not mean woman are the dominant sex. Neither sex is/should be dominant. It simply means we've been given a process for the evolution of humanity, and acknowledging and embracing higher femininity is at the core of it. Men and women are meant to grow together in a mutually dependant relationship of soul growth. Neither can achieve on their own the kind of magic they can achieve together, and that magic is life's true purpose.
The principles of masculinity and femininity are simply two halves of a whole. When a man and woman live in true service to higher femininity they are enriched beyond their wildest dreams in a cosmic dance of evolving soul.
A woman doesn't look down on a man if he gives himself to her in this way. In fact she does the opposite. She will look up to him with complete adoration, love and respect as he in turn looks up to her the same way, in acknowledgment of the gift she offers to them both. It's never too late to kick start this simple process and men are still in a position to do so and turn things around. still...begin again 💫🙏

Thursday, 11 May 2017

I feel there is a whole other world out there. A world of light, love, and "becoming" I also feel something deep inside myself and it knows about this world, but it's disconnected from that world and I'm disconnected from "it". What is the inner knowing? It must be what people call the inner child and it wants to return home but it's trapped. It's trapped within a barrier of expectation, fear, and reaction that is managed by my thinking. I know I live in an illusionary world. Maybe in truth I am that inner child and maybe It's time to organise a reunion 💫🙏

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Life is a constant reminder to Stop....breathe.. and be still. Why is it so hard to do this simple thing when the rewards are so great? I'm addicted to fear and everything around me keeps fear on the boil.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Eastern teachings have long defined our life's journey and purpose as one of "knowing myself". But I can't know myself if I don't "see myself" first and I have to step out of the shadows I live in to do that. What shadows? The ones created by my thinking.

The problem is the way I think and that is the single reason to the barrier to seeing myself; on the way to knowing myself.  How can that be true? What can be wrong with thinking? After all it's something we all do. We are very familiar with it. We feel very safe within the confines of our thinking and that raises another question. What is my thinking keeping me safe from? Fear.

But first, having a look at the way I think is the first step to seeing myself, because who "I am" has been constructed with the help of my thinking. That construction began when I was very young, at a time when I was open, and wishing to experience this physical world of which I found myself a part. Most of my early memories have been lost as I covered them over to protect something I desperately needed to stay a part of. Part of what? Life. True life.

I came here with a clear memory of where I had come from. I wasn't suddenly born from nothing to find myself looking around a stark, bright delivery room in a hospital. While it was a sudden shock, due mainly to all the shiny metal and blinding light, it did not immediately delete my memory of where I had come from; a journey I had begun long before that cosy nine months in the womb. I was an implant into a physical being. I came here with a knowledge and understanding which has been removed with surgical precision by my thinking. It's a process which began almost from the day I was born, and as much as I struggled and resisted the pressure from all quarters around me, I was pretty much a doomed duck well before I hit my teenage years.

I was taught how to think, and after giving up the struggle in the face of overwhelming opposition around me I began using my thinking to maintain what I had become. I had no choice. I lost touch with the impulse I had been born from and become part of the mindset of humanity. Look around. Does the mindset of humanity have a lot to offer? No. I have to change the way I think and that begins with seeing the way I think. There are four easily identifiable areas of my thinking.

1: Mindless chatter: White noise as it were. At any time it fills the void in my life and is completely meaningless. At times, if I stop and catch it, it is incoherent by any definition of the word. It has no emotional target and it seems to only exist for the purpose of distracting me from the expanse of blessed silence that for some reason scares me to death, and while fear is directly bound to my thinking it can also be looked at as a stand alone subject. Stopping my thinking is the first part of a deeper process of looking at fear and the way it rules my life. So where does "white noise" come from and what useful purpose can it possibly have? When I catch my mindless chatter I can stop it. I can get some respite from it. I come in touch with the expanse of quiet stillness, but only for a moment before my thinking rushes back in to fill the void.

2: Outward Criticism: This goes on a lot of the time and it's very easy to catch. It's one of the most poisonous aspects of my thinking. I constantly judge the world around me and the people in it. I'm always comparing people to each other, or myself. Most often I compare people to myself and every time I do that I am doing one of two things. I am either elevating myself, or degrading myself, in comparison to them. I am constantly judging myself by the world and the people around me as I endlessly use my thinking to reinforce the idea of who I think am. I can also stop this aspect of my thinking if I have a mind to, and can easily admit to myself that it's a poor way to live. Why do I feel the constant need to judge the world and people around me? It serves no purpose other than to maintain the lie I've constructed about myself.

3: Self Criticism: This is by far the most poisonous aspect of my thinking. When I look at it I also need to look at the way I feel because the two are very closely connected. The problem with the connection is that when I feel something, my body produces chemicals which are injected directly into my nervous system and science has proved this to be 100% true. When I criticise myself and feel bad I produce poisonous chemicals which flood my body. It is definitely the most unhealthy part of my thinking but it's also the most cunning. I can stop this part of my thinking when it catch it but it's much harder to see. It slithers off into the dark mist and refuses to let me look at it.

4. Justification: The question is why do I feel the need to justify and defend my position? If I'm dealing with a situation in life it might be necessary but why do I spend so much time in my own head "talking myself up"? I even make up imaginary situations to put the dialogue to. I even use people I know and set them up in a scene like a director making a movie, then run it through my head. I use my thinking to construct myself from an early age, then spend the rest of my life using it to maintain an image that's simply not true.

Anyone who explores their thinking even a tiny bit will see that we hide a helluva lot of what goes on inside us from everyone around us. It's easy to check the validity of that statement. Just imagine if every thought I had became instant reality. Let's face it. If that was the case some of the people around me would be dead and they wouldn't all be strangers. But my thinking doesn't kill people so I don't worry about it. But I should worry about it because my thinking is slowly but surely killing me.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

The plot of a new book I'm writing requires a young girl to lose her mother. Every author draws on real life experiences at times and they can be the best parts in a book. That idea makes me smile as it was certainly true about my first book which is an autobiography. It was nothing BUT life experiences spanning 58 years.
My current wife lost her mother when she was 10 years old. It's the perfect scenario I needed. The process of her mother moving on, and the conversations she had with her young daughter to keep her strong and prepare her for a life without her, while invaluable to her, is also heartbreaking beyond words. It would make extraordinary reading and see a spike in tissue sales. It's one of those pieces of gold an author loves to find. The strength in that young girl's nature has seen her grow into the most amazing person I've ever known. Every day I feel blessed that she has come into my life.
It wasn't my experience. It was my wife's, and we often draw on other people's experiences too, but after writing the chapter I deleted it.
Some things are sacred and best left to rest in eternal peace in the aftermath of their becoming. 💜💫🙏

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Our planet, and all life on it, has begun an expression of great change. A change unseen before in all of history as the "old order" dies in the chaos of it's own design. It's not easy. Be ready....
'bathe in stillness' Stop. Listen.....
Love calls my heart to return. 💜🙏

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Time to start writing again. Something different though.You can only write your autobiography once per lifetime so this time it's fiction. But I've been a bit unsettled lately and it's been hard to find my rhythm. A plot is developing nicely but it's turning into an epic! 😆 That happens with everything I do in my life. Everything becomes excessive. 'sigh' Okay, one page at a time 😕